
Greek Names

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Literature Text

Achilles             Pain
Actaeon            Effulgence           
Admetus           Untamed
Adonis              Lord
Adrastos           Does not run away    
Aeacus              Lamentation
Aegeus             Goat-man
Aeneas             Praise
Aeolus              Quick, Nimble
Aeon                 Being
Aether              Upper air, Brightness  
Agamemnon      Steadfast     
Agenor              Heroic
Aias(Ajax)          Masculine, Mourner
Akmon               Anvil
Alexander          Defender of Mankind
Alexiares           Wards of war
Alcyoneus          Strong                      
Ambrose            Immortal
Amphictyon        Delegate
Amphilogio         Dispute
Andrew              Brave, Manly
Androktasio       Manslaughter
Anicetus            Unconquerable
Antaeus             Set against
Anteros             Love returned
Apollo                Destroy
Apollyon            Destroyer
Areion                Better
Areopagus         Rock of Ares  
Ares                   Strife, Ruin
Arges                 Bright
Argos                 Bright, Eyes
Argus                 Bright, Eyes
Arion                  Melody
Aristaeus           Best, Excellent
Aristaios            Best, Excellent
Aristodemos      Best people
Asclepius           Cut open
Asklepios           Cut open
Astraeus            Starry
Athamas            Rich harvest
Atlas                  Not withstand, Not endure
Auto                   Alone
Autolcys             Lone wolf
Azeus                 Drought

Bacchus             Shout    
Bellerophon       Monster-slayer
Bootes               Noisy
Boreas               North wind
Briareus             Vigorous
Brontes              Thunderer
Bucephalus        Ox Head

Cadmus             Excels
Carystus            Herald
Castor               Shine, Excel
Catos                 Strength
Centaur             Bull slayer
Cephalaus         Head
Cerebus             Demon of the Pit
Charon               Fierce, Sharp sight
Chiron                Hand    
Chronos             Time
Chryses             Golden
Cocalus             Glory   
Cottus               Striker
Coeus                Intelligence
Crius                  Lord, Master, Ram
Cronus               Horned
Curete               Youth
Cyclop               One eye

Dactyl                 Finger
Daedalus           Cunning, Curiously wrought
Damalces           Glory of the People
Damneus           One who subdues metal
Damnameneus   One who subdues metal
Damon               Tame
Damysus            One who subdues
Dardanos           Devour
Deimos              Panic, Terror
Delas                 Baiter
Demos               Panic    
Deucalion          Flame colored        
Diomedes          Thought of Zeus, Divine cunning             
Dionysius           Divine, Of Zeus
Dorus                Dorian
Draco                Dragon, Snake

Enceladus          Sound the charge             
Endymion           Dive, Enter
Enyalios             Horror, Warlike      
Ephilates            Rule                                
Epimêdês           Smiling
Epimetheus        Hindsight
Erebus                Darkness                         
Eros                    Desire
Eubouleus          Good counselor        
Eurus                  East wind
Eurytos               Bringer of victory  
Eurysakes             Broad Shield       
Evander             Good Man

Geras                 Old age
Giganto              Giant
Glaucus              Blue-Grey
Gyges                Big limbed

Hades                Unseen   
Hecatonchire     Hundred handed              
Hector                Hold fast
Hellen                 Torch
Helois                 Sun           
Hephaestus       Crooked feet
Herakleas          Glory of Air, Glory of Hera
Heracles            Glory of air, Glory of Hera
Hero                  Brave Defender
Hermes              Of the Earth, Pile of Stones
Hesperos            Evening
Himeros              Uncontrollable
Hippolytos          Freer of Horses
Homer                Promise
Horkos               Oaths
Hyacinthius        A Flower
Hyas                  Rain
Hydros               Water serpent
Hyperion            High
Hypnos              Sleep
Hysmine             Battles

Iacchus              Shout
Iapetos             Wound, Pierce
Iasios                Healer
Icarus                Follower
Idas                   Of Mount Ida
Idaios                Of Mount Ida

Japet                 Wound, Pierce
Jason                 Healer

Kelmis                Driver
Klytios               Splendid                          
Koios                 Of what kind?
Komos               Revelry
Korybas             Corybantic dance
Kratos                Powerful
Kreios                Lord, Master

Ladon                West, Western
Leander             Lion-Man
Leon                  Lion-like
Leonidas            Son of the Lion
Limos                 Famine
Linos                  Flax
Linus                  Flax
Luke                   Light, From Lucania
Lycurgus            Deed of the Wolf

Malanion           Dark
Manticore          Man eater
Melampus          Black foot  
Melanthios         Black flower
Meleager            Gift
Melisseus           Honey man
Menelaus           Withstand the people
Menoetius          Ruined strength   
Mentor               Spirit
Mimas                 Imitator
Midas                 Fleeting and admirable
Minos                 King
Momos               Blame
Moros                 Doom
Morpheus           Shape of dreams
Mylinus               Milestone  
Narcissus           Sleep, Numb, Self love
Neoptolemos     New war
Nereus               Wet
Nestor               Homecoming
Nikephorus        Carrying victory
Notus                 South wind

Oceanus             Of the Ocean
Odysseus           One who hates
Okythoos            Swift footed
Oedipus              Swollen foot
Oenomaus          Son of Ares
Oizys                   Hardship
Olympus              Heavenly
Orestes               Of the Mountains
Orpheus              Darkness of night
Orion                   Boundary, Rising in the sky
Orthus                 Twilight
Ourea                  Mountains  

Paionaios            Healer
Pallas                  Bears a spear
Pan                     Herdsman, Shepherd
Panes                 Of Pan
Paris                   Backpack
Patroclus             Glory of the father
Pegasus             Strong, From the spring
Pelops                Dark eye
Perdix                 Partidge
Perses                Destroy
Perseus              Destroyer
Phaethon           Shining
Phanes               Procreation
Philio                  Brother
Philoctetes         Head brother      
Philotes              Friendship
Phobus               Fear
Phoebus             Bright, Pure
Phonos               Murderer
Phorcys              Of the sea          
Phrixus               Thrilling, Shiver
Ploutos               Wealth    
Pluto                   Wealth
Pollux                  Sweet 
Polybotes            Fertile             
Ponos                  Toil, Pain
Pontus                Sea
Porphyrion          Surging                           
Poseidon            Earthshaker
Potamos             River
Praxis                 Practical
Priam                 Redeemed    
Prometheus       Foresight
Proteus              First
Protogenos        Firstborn            
Prymneus          Pilot
Pseudo              False
Pyrrhikhos         War dance
Pyrrhus              Fiery Red

Rhadanthus    Judgment        

Silenus              Moving
Sisyphus           Unending
Spyros              Basket
Skelmis             Driver
Skythes            Of Scythia
Steropes          Lightener
Syceus             Fig tree

Talos                Patient, Enduring
Tantalus           Tantalize
Tartarus           Underworld
Thanatos         Death
Thaumas          Wonder
Theo                Divine Gift
Theophilus       Friend of the Divine, Loved by the Divine                          
Theron             Hunter
Theseus           Set
Titan                 Strain
Titas                 Avenger
Titus                 Giant  
Triton               Third           
Typhon             Cyclone

Uranus              Sky              

Vernados          Courage of a Bear

Xenon               Stranger
Xuthus              Greek

Zephyr              West Wind
Zelus                 Zeal
Zeus                  Brightness
For those of you who like Greek mythology (like me!)
or anything from Greece, here are a list of Greek names.

See if you recognize any of them!
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LiaAmethyst's avatar
Is this only male names? Cuz i the letter E i don't see Evaggelia witcg is my name