
A Book's Journey:Ch 6: Year 2163

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Year 149 of the 7th Age (2163)
Antiques Store

“Trade is the lifeblood of Nlian civilization and sharing and cooperation, its foundation.”

Ingstar smiled as he glanced up at the ancient writing on the antiques store. He pushed the door open and entered, greeting the proprieter. "Is it here?” he asked eagerly.

The shop owner nodded. “It arrived this morning. It took us awhile to acquire this artifact for you, but I think you’ll agree that it was worth the wait.”

After inspecting and paying for the object, Ingstar made his way home all the while reflecting on how his life had changed.

After his graduation six years ago he had been accepted into Timbraka, one of Famas’ most distinguished Learning Centers. He had immersed himself both in his studies and his writings, and had published several papers and essays. He believed in not just listing facts but in making history come alive and for his readers and his works had become popular both with academic and casual readers. All while doing that he had also been taking notes and making preparations for his most ambitious project: a comprehensive work on world history.

Yes, he had been doing what he loved and he couldn’t imagine anything bringing him more fulfillment.

And then he had met Losei.

Originally from Aviy, Losei Codral had moved to Famas after taking Adult Passage to pursue a career in mathematics and computer theory. They had met while working together on an article discussing the mathematical methods and notations of the past. The two of them had worked well together and had wound up during several joint projects. He had come to admire her brilliant mind, formidable personality and wry sense of humor. She had come to admire his strong work ethic, intense focus and creativity.

Love had grown between them and they had lifemated earlier that year.

She’s the other half of my soul, Ingstar thought. The half that I hadn’t even known was missing.

His smile broadened as he thought of what he was carrying home. His lifemate loved anything to do with math and their time together had increased her interest in history. He had acquired an antique abacus for her. It was nearly a hundred years old and a perfect facsimile of the type of abacus’ made during the late 4th Age: The Age of City States.

The 4th Age was the most famous and romanticized of the Ages and his personal favorite as well. The small towns of the 3rd Age had developed into powerful city states and the extensive trade between them had become the life blood of Nlian civilization. Thousands of caravans had crossed the deserts daily. The Western Land in particular was famous for The Great Trade Route, which crossed even the desolate Dune Sea. Extensive sea trade had been conducted between the Western and Eastern Lands. The Trade Sea had been so named because of the constant stream of trade ships that crossed it.

It had been a time of great discovery as ships had explored and charted both the Southern and Skylit Seas. The famed explorer, Valeena Rashel, had led an expedition of five ships to explore the Sundering Sea. She had discovered the Northern Land, enabling the Reunion of the Nlians from the South with their long separated brethren in the North and the exchange of cultures that resulted.

It had been a time of tremendous technological advances and intellectual development. A precise calendar had been made which was still in use now. An alphabet had been developed which had revolutionized writing and then a further revolutionary development had been made with the advent of printing. Famas had become the center of scholarship in Nlia. Its libraries were the largest in the world and boasted the largest collections of manuscripts. People from all over Nlia had come there to study.

His thoughts returned to the here and now and he imagined his lifemate’s pleasure at his gift.


L’Naym Residence

The two lifemates sat curled together on the sofa. Losei had indeed been pleased with the gift and rewarded him with a firm embrace. After dinner they had gone to the sitting room and sat on the sofa, sometimes talking, sometimes simply enjoying each other’s presence.

As the evening had worn on his lifemate had leaned against him and was now dozing. He held her content.

His thoughts briefly turned toward his upcoming trip to Oslamth. The best way to gain knowledge of something was at the source and he was not only skilled at researching ancient history he also had a keen interest in current events and lately there had been a lot to record.

Nlia had had contact with other worlds for over a hundred years, usually with their neighbors the Tkarites, and occasionally the Rylarin and C’Tekian. Recently however, the Tkarites had launched a deep space exploration program venturing outside of their sector for the first time. They had encountered several different species, including a powerful alliance of worlds called the United Federation of Planets.

He had kept up with the news reports and was traveling to the capital to interview his old
friend Lorain and other members of the Hysnel, who were ecstatic about the prospect of new stars and worlds to learn about. He was also planning on interviewing members of the Senate on their thoughts of what this development could mean for Nlia in the future.

*You’re working on something.* Losei had come out of her doze and was smiling.
*I can tell. Your body may be here, but your mind is already on a project isn’t it?*

His arm tightened around her. *You know me too well, my beloved.*

*And what are you contemplating? Historical or current events?*

*Both. After all, today’s events are tomorrow’s history.*
A Book's Journey: Ch 1: Year 2260
Stardate: 2260.0.4
USS Saratoga
Captain's Quarters

It had still come as a surprise to Kirk.
He’d been 'hiding' in his cabin (because there were so many wrong connotations to the date that not even calls from Admiral Pike or Ambassador Spock could make it brighter. Only to be called by M’Ress, via the comm, to the Mess Hall, – for a surprise birthday party.
It had been Shylea’s idea of course. The ship's unofficial morale booster, and a consummate hostess, his Soul Sister could never resist planning a celebration. She'd overseen the decorations and the crew had made him an enormous cake, with Happy Birthday! written on it in what must have been a hundred languages.
Now hours later, tired, stuffed and happy, he had made his way back to his quarters. He briefly remembered a birthday celebration of the other James Kirk, the one whose memories he had briefly seen during a mind-meld with Ambassador Spock.
The birthdays had been similar. The decorations w

A Book's Journey:Ch 5: Year 2157 Year 143 of the 7th Age (2157)
Jarveel Learning Center Archive

this day, on the fifty-eighth year since the founding of Helum is the town of Lomese founded.
Ingstar poured over the ancient manuscript encased in glass so no one could touch it. It was thousands of years old, dating back to the 3rd Age: The Age of Towns.
That Age had been a time of tremendous change and growth. The tiny semi permanent settlements of the 2nd Age had grown into permanent towns. Increasing numbers of tribes had expanded westward, founding settlements in the Dune Sea,the Red Mountains, the Sunlo Canyons and the Southern Tips.
Around the same time the Valo Hills region had finally begun to stabilize. People had gradually begun to explore the peninsula it and a few daring tribes had begun to begin to camp on its edges.
The explorers had quickly noticed that the thousands of years of volcanic activity had made the area incredibly fertile. Tribes from the Red Mountains exploring the Valo Hi

A Book's Journey: Ch 7: 2172
Year 146 of the 7th Age (2175)
“In times like this also grows the need for caution and wisdom.”

That quote kept running through his mind as he stared at the training field.
He heard his son Nybray asking: “What are they doing?”
It was his oldest son, Thunrol, who answered. “They’re training.”
“For what?”
Ingstar turned and answered this time. “They’re learning how to protect our world.”
Not long after the Tkarites had encountered the Federation, Nlia had had its first encounter with a Federation member: the Tellerites. As well as being founding members of the Federation, the Tellerites had had a long history of seeking out trade deals with other species. When they had first learned of the various species of the Norayis Sector, all of which were a commercial people, whose civilizations heavily promoted trade, they had been eager to make contact.
And so in Year 151 of the 7th Age little more than a yea

Losei Codral

Losei Codral by SeekHim

Valeena Rashel

Valeena Rashel by SeekHim

Ancient History

255,000-55,000 B.C. (200,000 yrs)
The Time Before/The Most Ancient Days

55,000-15,000 B.C. (10,000 years)
The First Age/The Age of Wandering

15,000-10,000 B.C. (4000 years)
The Second Age/The Age of Settling

10,000-5000 B.C. (3000 yrs)
The Third Age/The Age of Towns

5000 B.C.-200 A.D. (4800 yrs)
The Fourth Age/The Age of City States
800 B.C. The Reunion

200 -1420 A.D. (1220 yrs)
The Fifth Age/The Age of Nation States

200 A.D. The Northern League is founded
813 A.D. The Eastern Alliance is formed
910 A.D. The Western Union is formed
912 A.D. The League of Peace is formed
1348-1350 The Trade Sea Dispute 

1420-2014 (594 yrs)
The Sixth Age/ The Age of Unity
1420  The Nlian Accord is instituted
1816  The Nlians begin to explore space
2010  Nlia becomes warp capable

The Seventh Age/The Age of Contact
2014    First Contact with the Tkarites
2163    The Tkarites make contact with the Federation
2165    The Nlians first encounter the Tellerites
2166       The Nlians form trade ties with the Andorians and Rigelians
2169     The Nlian Defense Ministry is formed

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suburbantimewaster's avatar
He's right about that.  Today's events can be tomorrow's history.